Science Shorts
Short mashups designed to evoke the vast, mind-boggling beauty of the universe and human history. Concepts, music, and editing by Melodysheep.
Oppy: The Life of a Rover

Using raw rover imagery and the sound of actual wind on Mars, I painted this little portrait of Opportunity, our faithful little martian rover friend that was lost earlier this year. Losing a rover feels a little like losing a pet.
Curiosity (featuring Richard Feynman)

Richard Feynman doing what he does best - sharing his contagious fascination with the world.
One Species (featuring Isaac Asimov)
Why should we care about climate change? It’s not just an existential threat to be overcome, it’s an opportunity for humans to unite around a common cause. Sci-fi author Isaac Asimov knew this in the 80’s. It’s time we took his advice.
The Discovery of Fire
Fire - our most enduring ally. Its discovery was the most important moment in our species' history. Together, we would spread to every corner of the planet. Fire carried mankind through every desert, ice age, and mountain range, and man spread fire throughout the world to places it had never seen. Fire was the gateway drug that spurred a technological revolution. From stone tools to satellites - fire started it all.
What is a God? Featuring Jason Silva
"It makes good sense to revere the sun and the stars ... because we are their children" - Carl Sagan// A video celebrating the power of the sun, featuring Jason Silva of Shots of Awe:
Our Story in One Minute
A tapestry of footage tracing the cosmic and biological origins of our species
The Joy of Discovery
A marvelous excerpt from Bill Nye's recent debate set to original music.